
SceneTexture:WorldNormal causes decal to ignore Emissive Color. 

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new Third Person Project with Preview 2
  2. Create a Material name it 'M_Decal' then open it
  3. In the Details Panel of the Result Node set Material Domain to Deferred Decal
  4. Set Blend mode to Translucent
  5. Set the Shading Model to Unlit
  6. In the graph create a Constant3Vector parameter
  7. Set the Vector to 0,0,1(Blue) then connect it to Base Color of the Result node
  8. Create another Constant3Vector parameter
  9. Set the Vector to 1,0,0(Red) then connect it to the Emissive Color of the Result node
  10. Create RadialG.radientExponential node
  11. Create a Constant node then set it to 0.5
  12. Connect the Constant to Radius input pin of the RadialG.radientExponential node
  13. Create a Constant node then set it to 1000
  14. Connect the constant to the Density input pin of the RadialG.radientExponential node
  15. From the output pin of the RadialG.radientExponential node create a Multiply node
  16. Set B of the Multiply node to 1.0
  17. From the output pin of the Multiply node connect another Multiply node
  18. Connect the new Multiply node to Opacity input pin of the Result node
  19. Create a SceneTexture node
  20. Set the Scene Texture ID of the SceneTexture node to WorldNormal
  21. From the Color output pin of the SceneTexture node create a Component Mask node
  22. Set the Mask to B only
  23. Connect the Mask to the Multiply node that is connected to the Opacity pin
  24. Save and close the Material
  25. Create a Blueprint Actor
  26. Add Decal Component to the actor
  27. In the Decal's Details panel set Rotation on the Y axis to 90
  28. Set the Decal Material to M_Decal
  29. Place the Blueprint Actor in the world so that it half on the ground half up against a wall

Expected Results:
In the Material Editor the Material should be pink, and moving the camera around it should not extend beyond the grey floor.

In the Level the actor should should be pink and emissive would a slight glow visible on the wall.

Actual Results:
In the Material Editor the Material is g.radient from blue to Pink, and extends beyond the floor.

In the Level the decal is blue, and is not emissive.

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ComponentUE - Rendering Architecture - Materials
Affects Versions5.0
Target Fix5.1
Fix Commit19413686
Main Commit19413686
CreatedMar 11, 2022
ResolvedMar 16, 2022
UpdatedMar 18, 2022
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