
An error is thrown when adding an action mapping to an Input Mapping Context object.

LogEditCondition: Error: EditCondition parsing failed: Field name "bIsPlayerBindable" was not found in class "EnhancedActionKeyMapping".
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new Blank project without starter content with Preview 2
  2. Enable the Enhanced Input plugin
  3. Create and open an 'Input Mapping Context' object
  4. Press the + next to Mappings
  5. Expand Mappings, Input action section, the Input key section, and finally the Player Mappable Options
  6. Observe the Player Mappable Options and the Output Log

Expected Results:
No error thrown, and potentially the Player Mappable Options section to be grayed out until Is Player Mappable is enabled.

Actual Results:
An error is thrown in the output log:

EditCondition parsing failed: Field name "bIsPlayerBindable" was not found in class "EnhancedActionKeyMapping".

The section is editable.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions5.0
Target Fix5.1
Fix Commit19608172
Main Commit19608172
CreatedMar 31, 2022
ResolvedApr 4, 2022
UpdatedApr 6, 2022
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