- Create or open any project
- Create a Blueprint Actor
- Add a Capsule Collision component
- Enable Simulate Physics
- Set Collision to 'Block All'
- Enable Simulation Generate Hit Events
- Create an On Component Hit event connected to a Print String Node
- Add a Format Text node in the format type "OnComponentHit - Capsule! Hitting: {Component}"
- Connect the Other Component out pin from the On Hit Event to the Format Text node
- Connect the Results to the Print String node
- Add a Box Collision component as a Child of the Capsule Component
- Set Scale to 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 so that it completely surrounds the Capsule
- Set Collision to 'Block All'
- Enable Simulation Generate Hit Events
- Create an On Component Hit event connected to a Print String Node
- Add a Format Text node in the format type "OnComponentHit - Box! Hitting: {Component}"
- Connect the Other Component out pin from the On Hit Event to the Format Text node
- Connect the Results to the Print String node
- Compile, Save, and close the Blueprint
- Place the actor into the level above the floor
- Play in Editor
- Observe the Actor hitting the floor
Expected Results:
The Box Collision reports hitting the floor
Actual Results:
The Box Component hits the floor, but the Capsule Component reports instead.