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Steps to Reproduce
  1. In a project configured for Nanite and Lumen, create a new, empty, non-world partition map
  2. Duplicate Engine/Content/BasicShapes/Cube into your project's content folder and set it to Nanite. Append "_Nanite" to its name for clarity.
  3. Drag both the non-nanite basic shapes cube and the nanite cube into the map, space them out a bit
  4. Drag a skylight into the map, and set it to "Specified Cubemap" and choose a cubemap
  5. You should now see a difference in the ambient lighting applied to the nanite mesh vs. the non-nanite mesh.
  6. For comparison, switch the mobility of the skylight to Movable and the ambient lighting on each mesh should align.

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features - Lumen
Affects Versions5.
Target Fix5.5
CreatedOct 31, 2022
UpdatedFeb 14, 2024
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