
in PIE, RerunConstructionScript() is executed and actor's CachedMaxDrawDistance is updated as expected.

in packaged game, RerunConstructionScript() is not executed 

so, CullDistanceVolume is not updated and actor's CachedMaxDrawDistance will be 0.


licensee temporarily work around the problem by manually calling SetCullDistance() and 1.53ms improved.
(see attached screenshot for performance comparison. ).

Steps to Reproduce

Refer to attached sample project and video capture for repro


1. in WorldSetting, set WorldComposition to true,

2. place StaticMeshes in the sublevel and save it.

3. place CullDistanceVolume in PersistanceLevel and change Cull Distance value.

4. play game in Editor and it will be working as expected

5. package project for windows

6. play packaged project

Test result : static mesh's Cull Distance value is not updated in packaged game  


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CreatedDec 16, 2022
UpdatedFeb 13, 2024
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