
Left eye shadow dithering stops working at a certain distance away from the light.

To recreate this behavior with any project, follow those steps: 

  1. Create an empty level
  2. Add a static mesh and a backdrop mesh (cube)
  3. Create two spotlights that will cast an overlapping shadow on the backdrop mesh (crank up the intensity)
  4. Each spotlight should have a source Radius of 15 or more (the bigger the source radius, stronger is the artifact)
  5. Open Project settings > Engine > Rendering > Shadow maps method > Virtual Shadow maps
  6. Launch in Standalone game with Emulate Stereo turn ON
  7. Get your camera closer from the overlap section of the shadow
Steps to Reproduce

Repro video: [Link Removed]

Repro steps: 

  1. Download repro project: [Link Removed] 
  2. Open the project in editor
  3. Change Play Mode to Standalone Game
  4. Change Play Settings > Advanced Settings > Emulate Stereo
    [Image Removed]
  5. Validate that the shadows are correct (=soft)
  6. Launch in Standalone Game 


  • Shadows are flickering on your first eye (Left)  

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions5.4
Target Fix5.5
Fix Commit36347378
CreatedMar 13, 2024
ResolvedSep 17, 2024
UpdatedNov 26, 2024
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