
Some pixels at the edge between cascaded shadow maps and distance field shadows can be skipped by both, leading to unshadowed pixels.
Licensee reports the bug happening in 5.3 as well. Test project is for 5.4.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Download the Licensee's test project and open
2. Open level /Game/BugOutlineArtefact/BugOutlineArtefact
3. Set scalability to High (to activate distance field shadow)
4. Uncheck Show-> Anti-aliasing (to see the artifact better)
5. Move camera front and back. Observe the line in bright light at the transition of cascade shadow and distance field shadow
6. Run the command "vis ShadowMaskTexture UV2 R" to visualize the ShadowMaskTexture. Observe the unshadowed pixels.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-210854 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions5.4
Target Fix5.5
Fix Commit32924212
CreatedMar 28, 2024
ResolvedApr 12, 2024
UpdatedJun 3, 2024
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