
When editing a GameplayTagQuery inside of the editor, there are times when the query editor will not update the query when selecting Ok or fail to return the query to its original state before editing when selecting Cancel.

Not all instances of the GameplayTagQuery editor share this issue. I found that changing the query inside of a Smart Object Definition asset, changing the query if it is a variable of a BP, or changing a query variable of an Actor inside of the level did not experience the issue.

The issue also is apparent if you select an Actor in the level, open the query editor window from the Details panel, and choose another Actor in the scene. This action will update the query to whatever value was chosen when the Actor loses focus/is deselected. The window remains open but any changes no longer take affect.

Steps to Reproduce

The linked UDN thread contains a sample project that easily showcases the issue.

  1. Open the project
  2. Open the ThirdPersonLevel map
  3. Open the Data Layers window
  4. Edit the DL_Test data layer in the window
  5. Try to assigning this gameplay query to the TestConditions property of the new data layer
    1. Root Expression: Any Tags Match
    2. InputUserSettings.FailureReasons.InvalidMappingName
    3. InputUserSettings.FailureReasons.NoKeyProfile
    4. InputUserSettings.FailureReasons.NoMappingRowFound
  6. Observe the TestConditions property not updated as expected


To test the Cancel not resetting the query:

  1. Open the project
  2. Open the ThirdPersonLevel map
  3. Open the Data Layers window
  4. Edit the DL_Test data layer in the window
  5. Change the Root Expression of the query
  6. Press Cancel
  7. Observe if the query's Root Expression returned to the original value or stayed with the new value that was selected

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-213340 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions5.45.3.2
Target Fix5.5
CreatedApr 25, 2024
UpdatedMay 23, 2024
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