
If a user makes a macro with a wild card array and then nests it inside of another macro. The wild card array will throw the following error. This can also happens with a StandardMacro like For Each Loop.

Error The type of Target Array is undetermined. Connect something to "Name of Second Macro" to imply a specific type.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the Editor
  2. Create a new blueprint
  3. Create a macro that uses a wild card array (See attached image EmptyArrayError1)
  4. # Create a macro that uses the first macro (See attached image EmptyArrayError2)
  5. Place the second macro inside of a function (See attached image EmptyArrayError3)
  6. Hit compile
  7. Notice the error that is given and that the "Length" node in the first macro is not receiving array information

Expected: The nested macros would receive array information
Result: Macro throws an error

Alternative repro

  1. Open the Editor
  2. Create a new blueprint
  3. Create a macro that uses a wild card array, and connect it to "For Each Loop"
  4. Call the new macro from the level blueprint -> the blueprint compile fails
  5. Expanding "For Each Loop" macro makes the blueprint compile fine

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.
CreatedOct 2, 2015
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedAug 18, 2021
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