A UDN licensee has reported that Runtime Virtual Textures are slow to update when enabling Nanite tessellation on a landscape. They came across this when using the "Virtual Texture Output Level" inside a material that they created and applied to the landscape for masking purposes.
This was reproed with the following steps:
1. Create a Runtime Virtual Texture in the content browser
2. Create a new Material asset (See attached screenshot for material)
3. Apply to a landscape. On the Landscape actor, set it to Draw in this RVT texture
4. Ensure a Runtime Virtual Texture Volume encapsulates the entire landscape. Plug your Runtime Virtual Texture into this as well
5. See video for the results and comparisons (Related section in UDN case)
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-217644 in the post.
2 |
Component | UE - Graphics Features - Nanite |
Affects Versions | 5.4 |
Target Fix | 5.5 |
Fix Commit | 34584816 |
Created | Jun 11, 2024 |
Resolved | Jun 22, 2024 |
Updated | Sep 18, 2024 |