
From customer:

Hi there, I stumbled upon a bug where the display units as set in the Project Settings under the Editor Appearance category for properties were not getting displayed properly and was reverting to showing the default unit rather than the chosen ones. I tracked this down and saw that we would only initialize some units on Editor load and the unit that I was changing was not there.

In void UEditorProjectAppearanceSettings::PostInitProperties() to account for all the units that there are settings for but were not getting initialized. Note that we have added being able to set then Density Units and added Angular Acceleration units to the codebase as a divergence, which I think is worth adding.
    Settings.SetDisplayUnits(EUnitType::AngularSpeed, AngularSpeedUnits);
    Settings.SetDisplayUnits(EUnitType::Acceleration, AccelerationUnits);
    Settings.SetDisplayUnits(EUnitType::AngularAcceleration, AngularAccelerationUnits);
    Settings.SetDisplayUnits(EUnitType::Torque, TorqueUnits);
    Settings.SetDisplayUnits(EUnitType::Impulse, ImpulseUnits);
    Settings.SetDisplayUnits(EUnitType::PositionalImpulse, PositionalImpulseUnits);
    Settings.SetDisplayUnits(EUnitType::Density, DensityUnits);

Steps to Reproduce

Repro steps for PositionalImpulse:

1) In "Project Settings -> Editor -> Appearance" change "PositionalImpulse" to "Kilogram Meters"

2) Restart the editor

3) Set the CVar "p.PhysicalMaterial.ShowExperimentalProperties" to true

4) Create a new Physics Material and open it's editor

5) Notice that the units displayed for "Base Friction Impulse" are incorrect ( see attachment )

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-217687 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Editor - Workflow Systems
Affects Versions5.4
Target Fix5.5
Fix Commit34284779
CreatedJun 11, 2024
ResolvedJul 15, 2024
UpdatedJul 16, 2024
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