
Something is wrong with the TargetInfo.json file generated when they are some Marketplace plugin installed.

The client reported this workaround

Backup the plugins found in Engine\Plugins\Marketplace, delete the file TargetInfo.json, run UnrealEditor.exe to generate a new TargetInfo.json, close the Editor, move back the plugins under Engine\Plugins\Marketplace.

Steps to Reproduce

This was reported on UDN (see additional link) . The UDN has a video showing it, but, but the steps can be resumed as (I reproduced with a fresh install of UE 5.4.2):

  • From EGL, install UE 5.4.2, but don't launch the Editor yet (or 
  • delete your engine/intermediate/Targetinfo.json to simulate the Editor never started)
  • From EGL, install a market place plugin. I installed Rename Tool free plugin. (or you can manually copy a plugin to Marketplace folder:  Engine\Plugins\Marketplace)
  • From EGL, open UE 5.4.2.
  • Create a Blueprint Only project (First Person). -> This will open the Editor.
  • From the 'Platforms' drop down, select Shipping
  • From the 'Platforms' drop down, package the project for Windows.
  • The engine packages a 'Development' target instead a of Shipping target.
    • You can run the packaged game and a log is created in the Saved/log... Shipping  config should not create a log file by default and the log file states this was a Development config. (D:\Proj\MyProject542\Shipping\Windows\MyProject542\Saved\Logs)

Note: I tried to repro with my 5.4 source engine at CL 34027460, but with the engine source compiled from P4, I wasn't able to repro.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-218256 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Platform
Affects Versions5.4
Target Fix5.5
CreatedJun 18, 2024
UpdatedSep 6, 2024
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