
In past compatibility detection in FWorldPartitionClassDescRegistry::PrefetchClassDescs, as AssetRegistry.TryGetAssetPackageData returns UE::AssetRegistry::EExists::Unknown in standalone games, so the ClassDescriptor will be disabled.

If all assets have been updated, the following workarounds can be considered

void FWorldPartitionClassDescRegistry::PrefetchClassDescs(const TArray<FTopLevelAssetPath>& InClassPaths)
#if 1  //work around - disabling old version check in standalone game			
				if (GEditor != nullptr)	
				if (AssetRegistry.TryGetAssetPackageData(AssetData.PackageName, PackageData) == UE::AssetRegistry::EExists::Exists)
					for (const UE::AssetRegistry::FPackageCustomVersion& CustomVersion : PackageData.GetCustomVersions())
						if(CustomVersion.Key == FFortniteMainBranchObjectVersion::GUID)
							if (CustomVersion.Version < FFortniteMainBranchObjectVersion::WorldPartitionActorClassDescSerialize)
								bOldAsset = true;
					bOldAsset = true;
#if 1  //work around			

Steps to Reproduce
  1. open the repro project ([Link Removed])
  2. start playing PIE
  3. quit PIE
  4. start playing standalone game
  5. quit standalonegame
  6. open the most recent two logs in /saved/logs/worldpartion/streaminggeneration*.log
  7. search TestActor in logs and see SpatiallyLoaded flag


IsSpatiallyLoaded flag set in actor blueprint is ignored in standalone game


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Fix Commit33973992
CreatedJul 1, 2024
ResolvedJul 17, 2024
UpdatedJul 24, 2024
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