
Copy and paste from one sequencer to another does not work as expected.

Let say there is a certain folder structure like this;
[Link Removed]

Then you press Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C for copying and paste it into another new sequencer, the following result comes up.
[Link Removed]

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a project with Blank template.
  2. Place a new level sequencer.
  3. Create a folder in the sequencer editor.
  4. Create a sub-folder in the folder made at Step 3.
  5. Add a spawnable object in the sub-folder.
  6. Select the folder made at Step 3 and press Ctrl+C.
  7. Create another new level sequencer.
  8. Press Ctrl+V to paste
  9. Press Ctrl+V again to paste the second time.

Expected Result: The folder structure from the origina lsequencer is copied to the other sequencer 100% exactly same. Also, the second paste does not show difference (the second folder is not made.)

Actual Result: The sub folder in the parent folder you paste appears in the root of the sequencer. Plus, when you do the second time paste, the same name folder is made in the root.

The repro project is attached to this ticket. The project contains "NewLevelSequence" asset. Please try to copy Super folder (or some other folder) to the clipboard and paste it in the other sequencer.

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions5.4
Target Fix5.5
Fix Commit35123308
CreatedJul 26, 2024
ResolvedJul 26, 2024
UpdatedJul 30, 2024
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