
There currently is a mismatch occurring when light function atlases are used in conjunction with exponential height fog. When the flag r.VolumetricFog.UsesLightFunctionAtlas is enabled, light shafts are rendered when no direct lighting is present in the room (see attached screenshot). However, with direct lighting present they are not also not being rendered

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Steps to Reproduce

1. Open the attached repro project
2. Observe the light shaft property during the
3. Toggle r.VolumetricFog.UsesLightFunctionAtlas
4. Observe that the light shaft is from the window is only rendered when the directional light is not shining through the window

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions5.35.4.4
Target Fix5.65.5
CreatedJul 29, 2024
ResolvedAug 5, 2024
UpdatedAug 20, 2024
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