
See UDN here:

The issue is that in FMovieSceneSequencePlaybackSettings, the TickInterval struct is marked with an EditCondition to only be editable if bInheritTickIntervalFromOwner is false, which it is defaulted to. However, bInheritTickIntervalFromOwner has a meta tag for 'InlineEditConditionToggle', which normally would add a checkbox to the left of the TickInterval property to allow it to be edited, and will hide the bInheritTickIntervalFromOwner property in the details view.

However, that checkbox won't appear because the TickInterval property also has the ShowOnlyInnerProperties tag, and so no row will show for the TickInterval property, and without that row, there is no checkbox.

This effectively makes all of the TickInterval properties uneditable from the details view. And the tick interval on actors isn't exposed to the actor details view- it is settable from blueprint, but not exposed to details, so it's not settable from details view on the Level Sequence Actor either.

Solutions here might be to remove the ShowOnlyInnerProperties tag, or to do more editor-side work to allow ShowOnlyInnerProperties and InlineEditConditionToggle to work with each other.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Drag a Level Sequence Actor into a level
  2. In the properties, find the tick interval settings, in particular bTickWhenPaused.
  3. Note that it is grayed out and not settable.

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions5.4
Target Fix5.5
Fix Commit35308166
CreatedAug 1, 2024
ResolvedAug 5, 2024
UpdatedAug 13, 2024
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