
When a LocalFogVolume is used with ExponentialHeightFog, it does not correctly fog translucent objects.
ExponentialHeightFog and Volumetric Fog from a LocalFogVolume both correctly occlude translucents.

This issue was also observed on //UE5/Main, CL: 35572048

Ticket was generated from 3rd party UDN Vendor report via Slack-bot and is pending pre-processing.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Download the Licensee's test project and open it.
2. Open the map "\Game\FogTest"
3. Observe the LocalFogVolume actor, containing two spheres, one opaque, one translucent.
4. Observe that the translucent sphere is not fully occluded by the fog, while the opaque sphere is.
5. Observe that the translucent material "M_Glass" from StarterContent, has "Apply Fogging" enabled.
6. Enable "Apply Cloud Fogging" and "Compute Fog Per Pixel".
7. Observe that the translucent sphere is unchanged.

Testing Exponential Height Fog:
1. Move the LocalFogVolume actor so it no longer surrounds the spheres.
2. Increase the actor's world z-position to 10000.0.
3. Increase the density of the ExponentialHeightFog actor to 0.5.
4. Observe that both spheres are now occluded by the fog, as the camera moves away.

Testing Volumetric Fog
1. With the map in its default state, enable "Volumetric Fog" on the ExponentialHeightFog actor.
2. Observe that the LocalFogVolume correctly occludes the glass sphere.

Have Comments or More Details?

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By Design
ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions5.45.4.3
Target Fix5.6
CreatedAug 21, 2024
ResolvedAug 26, 2024
UpdatedSep 4, 2024
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