
When using the "Replace Selected Actors with" feature in the editor, references to the replaced actor are not updated to reference the new actor (where valid). They will appear to be replaced until the map is resaved (or otherwise garbage is collected). Only references in the graphs of the Level Blueprint are updated (manually).

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open up QAGame, Default map
2. Create a new Actor Blueprint
3. Add a variable of type "Light" as an Object Reference
4. Expose the variable as public (the eye icon)
5. Compile the BP and place it in the scene.
6. In the details panel for the instanced BP, assign the new variable to the actor "Light Source"
7. Save the map, notice nothing has changed.
8. Replace the "Light Source" actor with a PointLight
9. Save the map, select the instanced BP and notice that the variable is "None".
10. Confirm that you can set the exposed variable to "Light Source" (which is now a PointLight)

Expected Result: All references should be replaced with the new Actor

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Affects Versions4.8.34.10
Target Fix4.11
Fix Commit2746841
Main Commit2754371
CreatedOct 21, 2015
ResolvedNov 2, 2015
UpdatedJul 27, 2016
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