
As per the steps to reproduce, Keep Simulation Changes will often only copy back the most recent property changed on a simulating Actor back to the version of the Actor in the Editor level. It is not a case that some of these properties are unsupported, as you may repeatedly call Keep Simulation Changes on the Actor until the Editor reports no more properties have been copied, and this will result in all changed properties persisting.

This behavior is inconsistent at times, in the sense that you can change multiple properties directly on the Actor (member variables) and persist them all with running Keep Simulation Changes. By comparison, you can change one property on two or more components of an Actor and only one will persist. In the most extreme case you can change both the location and scale of one components Transform property and only one of these values will be kept.

Steps to Reproduce
  • Create a new 5.5.1 project. This can be Blueprint only without starter content
  • Create a new blueprint Actor and add some components onto it. For example, add a static mesh component and give it any mesh, e.g. a sphere, and a point light component
  • For comparison, also add some properties onto the actor, e.g. a Bool, a String, and an Int
  • Place the new Actor into a level
  • Play the level in editor
  • Make multiple changes to one component. E.g. change the location and scale of the static mesh
  • Select Keep Simulation Changes from the context menu in the World Outliner on the Actor
  • Quit the PIE session
  • Observe that only the latest change persists back to the editor level on the Actor, e.g. only the scale change
  • Do the above few steps with a mix of properties on the first and second component and observe the same behavior, that only the latest change is copied back to the Actor in the Editor level
  • For comparison, make changes to all of the properties we added directly to the Actor, the bool, int, and string
  • Observe how these are all persisted back to the Editor level Actor when Keep Simulation Changes is run
  • It is possible to copy all of these changes back if Keep Simulation Changes is run repeatedly on the Actor until the Editor reports no more properties have been copied

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ComponentUE - Editor
Affects Versions5.5.15.5
CreatedJan 10, 2025
UpdatedJan 10, 2025
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