There is an issue when setting a Static Mesh inside a blueprint that it is referenced by another blueprint with more than one child actor. An ensure is triggered inside the engine, and there is a ...
When launching a packaged game from the nDisplay Switchboard, the nDisplayConfig file fails to link the cameras to the viewports. Inside the log generated by the Switchboard an error is displayed th ...
As the title describes, closing a Geometry's Collection Dataflow Editor window when the ChaosVehiclePlugin is enabled is crashing the Unreal Editor when it is running with the -stompmalloc flag. The ...
The templated Lyra project for 5.5 is missing a reference to IMC_Default_KBM on /ShooterCore/Experiences/LAS_ShooterGame_SharedInput because it looks like IMC_Default_KBM was renamed to IMC_Default. ...
All the imported animation only contain one frame. If the file contains in archive are imported in a gltf web viewer we can see animation are playing. [Link Removed] [Link Removed] https://foru ...
The licensee has reported, and I was able to reproduce, that specifically in package builds targeting Development configuration, trying to toggle the SmartLinkEnabled state of a NavLinkProxy will cr ...
The mesh changes and the asset name stays the same while the two FBX are completly different: different filename, different mesh names in the FBX CF video for repro steps. https://forums.unreale ...
When a WPO (World Position Offset) object casts a shadow on a translucent object, the translucent object flickers continuously as the shadow passes over it. Initially logged as a 5.5/5.5.1 but also ...
Reported here [Link Removed] and maybe here too [Link Removed] ...
A Skeletal Mesh simulating physics that hits a Geometry Collection Actor with OneWayInteraction true, OneWayInteractionLevel 1, and is using Damage Propagation (default) will be accelerated so fast ...