
r.PostProcessAAQuality is not working properly in mobile preview on source versions of the engine.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a new First Person Template
2. Play > Down-arrow > Mobile Preview
3. Tilda to bring up console command
4. r.PostProcessAAQuality 0
5. r.PostProcessAAQuality 4

Result: There is no change when you switch between r.PostProcessAAQuality 0 and r.PostProcessAAQuality 4 in source builds. This does change on binary builds.

Expected Result: Binary and Source should function the same way with these console commands.

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Platform - Mobile
Affects Versions4.13.1
Target Fix4.16
CreatedSep 26, 2016
ResolvedMar 23, 2017
UpdatedSep 16, 2019
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