
When a Blueprint contains a node that was added by a plugin (ex: GetBatteryLevel node added by Optional Mobile Features Blueprint Library), nativizing the BP in 4.16 completed fine but 4.17 gives a UBT Warning (listed in callstack field)

Yes, no warning message when following the above steps in 4.16.3 (CL 3561208)

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open UE4 Editor (any project)
  2. Navigate to and enable Edit -> Plugins -> Built-In -> Blueprints -> Optional Mobile Features Blueprint Library
  3. Restart the editor when prompted
  4. Create a new blueprint based on Actor (ActorBP)
  5. In ActorBP's event graph, Drag off from BeginPlay execution pin and create Get Battery Level node
  6. In Project Settings, search for Blueprint Nativization Method and set to Inclusive
  7. File -> Package -> Windows -> Windows (64-bit)

UBT warning mentioned in the description is printed to output log during package

Packaging completes without UBT warning when nativizing blueprints

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: Warning: Plugin 'NativizedAssets' does not list plugin 'OptionalMobileFeaturesBPLibrary' as a dependency, but module 'NativizedAssets' depends on 'OptionalMobileFeaturesBPLibrary'.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.17.24.18
Target Fix4.19
Fix Commit3718627
Main Commit3756414
Release Commit3813083
CreatedOct 9, 2017
ResolvedOct 25, 2017
UpdatedSep 16, 2019