
There is a visual discrepancy appears with the local position offset while mipmaps are enabled, when using a custom node that takes information from the local position node, with a texture that contains more than a solid color, there appears to be a discrepancy in which a line appears based of off the value of the location.x offset. Disabling the Mipmaps appears to correct this issue. This issue is not a regression.

Code in custom blueprint node

  return float2(0,0);
  return float2(1,1);

Versions Tested: Issue occurs in all versions tested
4.16.3 - CL: 3561208
4.17.2 - CL: 3658906
4.18P4 - CL: 3685441

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new project (no template or starter content needed)
  2. Import the texture provided
  3. Create a new material with the texture provided
  4. Recreate the material blueprint as displayed in Screenshot_01
  5. Apply and save the material (you should be able to see a dark line in the display)
  6. Place a default cube in the level and apply the material to it (Result)
  7. In the texture used to make the material set the Mipgen Settings to "No MipMaps" (expected result)
    Result: With Mipmaps there is a black line that appears on the mesh that is the other color of the texture
    Expected Result: The material is one solid color

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.
CreatedOct 20, 2017
ResolvedOct 24, 2017
UpdatedJul 14, 2021
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