
When a UProperty pointer to an EditInlineNew class is modified, we reconstruct the details panel and rerun customization builders. This can cause FDetailArrayBuilder to run it's destructor, we can unregister callbacks used by the array builder customization.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create or edit a class with an array property to also include a pointer property to a class marked with EditInlineNew (I used UPaperSprite and added a UStaticMeshComponent pointer)
  2. Observe that all of the arrays on the class function as expected
  3. Modify the EditInlineNew class pointer. Observe that the details panel is rebuilt, and the size of some elements appears to change
  4. Try and edit the arrays in the details panel. Observe that some may no longer be responsive (such as the Additional Textures array in my example)

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Won't Fix
Affects Versions4.174.184.19
CreatedOct 26, 2017
ResolvedAug 18, 2021
UpdatedAug 18, 2021