
There is an issue occurring where Objects with Translucent Blend Mode Material Aren't Affected by Refraction. This affects any translucent material regardless of the translucent materials settings. This issue does not appear to be a regression

Versions Tested: Issue occurs in all versions tested
4.17.2 CL - 3658906
4.18.3 CL - 3832480
4.19p4 CL - 3873914
4.20.0 CL - 3879785

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new blank project (no template or starter content needed)
  2. Create a new material > name it "M_Refraction" > Open M_Refraction and set its blend mode to Translucent.
  3. Create 2 constants and give M_Refraction an opacity of 0 and a refraction of 2
  4. Save and close M_Refraction
  5. Create a second new material > name it "M_Translucent" > Open M_Translucent and set its blend mode to Translucent.
  6. Save and close M_Translucent
  7. Create a third new material > name it "M_Masked" > Open M_Masked and set its blend mode to Masked.
  8. In the level place an object and assign it the material M_Refraction.
  9. Place the second object in the level behind M_Refraction and assign it the material of M_Translucent.
  10. Place the third object in the level behind M_Refraction, next to M_Translucent, and assign it the material M_Masked.
    Result: The translucent object is not shown in the refraction while the masked material does appear
    Expected Result: The translucent object appears in the refraction

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.
CreatedFeb 16, 2018
ResolvedFeb 21, 2018
UpdatedMar 26, 2020
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