
Fail to package with nativization.

cannot convert from 'USceneComponent *' to 'UBillboardComponent

Steps to Reproduce

User Reported Bug:

1. Create a Blueprint Class "BP_BasePlayerStart" with parent class PlayerStart.
2. Open the created BP Class, edit in full BP editor mode.
3. Add a variable to BP_BasePlayerStart, for example "TestVar" of type int, so that the BP class is different from the base class.
4. Enable inclusive Blueprint Nativization
5. Cook + Package the project.


C:\Users\user\Documents\Unreal Projects\AJ_PlayerStart_419\Intermediate\Plugins\NativizedAssets\Windows\Game\Source\NativizedAssets\Private\PlayerStartBP__pf1010915279.cpp(393): error C2440: '=': cannot convert from 'USceneComponent *' to 'UBillboardComponent *'
C:\Users\user\Documents\Unreal Projects\AJ_PlayerStart_419\Intermediate\Plugins\NativizedAssets\Windows\Game\Source\NativizedAssets\Private\PlayerStartBP__pf1010915279.cpp(393): note: Cast from base to derived requires dynamic_cast or static_cast
C:\Users\user\Documents\Unreal Projects\AJ_PlayerStart_419\Intermediate\Plugins\NativizedAssets\Windows\Game\Source\NativizedAssets\Private\PlayerStartBP__pf1010915279.cpp(396): error C2440: '=': cannot convert from 'USceneComponent *' to 'UBillboardComponent *'
C:\Users\user\Documents\Unreal Projects\AJ_PlayerStart_419\Intermediate\Plugins\NativizedAssets\Windows\Game\Source\NativizedAssets\Private\PlayerStartBP__pf1010915279.cpp(396): note: Cast from base to derived requires dynamic_cast or static_cast

Error executing C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\cl.exe (tool returned code: 2)

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ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.19
Target Fix4.19
Fix Commit3912161
Main Commit3990065
Release Commit3912161
CreatedFeb 23, 2018
ResolvedFeb 27, 2018
UpdatedSep 23, 2019
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