  • On PC no problem;
  • CulDistanceVolume in Sub levels, no problem;
  • Regular level streaming by blueprint instead of using World Composition has no problem

Expect: CullDistanceVolume should work in Persistent level with World Composition enabled on Mobile

Steps to Reproduce
  • New a empty level named Persistent and put a CulldistanceVolume in it, and Enable World Composition in World settings, Save
  • In same folder New a Default level named Sub_Mesh, and spread some mesh around, Save
  • Open Persistent level and adjust the culldistance volume size and distance parameters according to the size and distance of the meshes in Sub_Mesh level, making sure culling is working while running on PC
  • Run the map on Mobile, the culling doesn't work either IOS or Android
  • Moving the cullDistanceVolume into Sub_Mesh level, run on mobile again, Culling is working

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Platform - Mobile
Affects Versions4.16.34.19
CreatedMar 20, 2018
ResolvedMay 30, 2019
UpdatedSep 16, 2019
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