
Editing the properties of an Instanced Static Mesh or Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh does not propagate those edits to the defaults of instances that are in levels that are not currently loaded.

Regression?: No
This occurred in and was reported in 4.16

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new project
  2. Create a new map
  3. Create a new Blueprint Actor
  4. Add a Instanced Static Mesh or Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh component to the Blueprint
  5. Set the static mesh to any mesh
  6. Add one instance
  7. Add an instance of the Blueprint to the Map
  8. Save all
  9. File > New Level > Default
  10. In the Blueprint, change the Transform of the Instance that was added in step 6
  11. Compile and save the Blueprint
  12. Open the Map from step 2
    Result: The Static Mesh in the instance of the Blueprint in the level has not moved according to the new transform that was set
    Expected: The Static Mesh in the instance of the Blueprint in the level reflects the transform that was edited in the Blueprint

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Won't Fix
CreatedMay 17, 2018
ResolvedFeb 23, 2021
UpdatedJul 12, 2021
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