
User is experiencing an import issue with a 3DS Max 2019 file. Their workflow is as follows and works for all their assets but this one:

  • Original file created in revit 2019
  • Import revit link to 3dsmax 2019
  • Export selected/visible to Datasmith
  • Import Datasmith into UE4.20.2

This was tested and reproduced in 4.19.2 (0.182) and 4.20.3 (4.20E4)



The problem is caused by the "~" on the "n" in the filename.   The XML file points to a path that has been sanitized, but the folder is not, so the assets are not found on load.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download the attached file
  2. Open the UE4 Editor and create a blank Unreal Studio project
  3. Click on the Import DataSmith button
  4. Import the .udatasmith file

Results: Import Error - "Cannot find Static Mesh for Static Mesh Actor..."

Expected: The file imports with no errors

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-65029 in the post.

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Fix Commit4846980
Main Commit6890764
Release Commit4920647
CreatedOct 10, 2018
ResolvedFeb 1, 2019
UpdatedJun 7, 2019
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