
When Sync Markers are added to other animations, the Get Time to Closest Marker node stops returning any information.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new Third person template
  2. Open project
  3. Open ThirdPersonWalk
  4. Add two new sync markers (Name them M1 and M2)
  5. Open ThirdPersonRun
  6. Add two new sync markers (Name them M3 and M4)
  7. Open ThirdPerson_AnimBP
  8. Navigate to the ThirdPerson_IdleRun_2d node to set the sync group to "Test1" (this can be found in the Idle/Run (State))
  9. In the Event graph of the Thirdperson_AnimBP set up the "Get Time to Closest Marker" to print out the "Out Marker Time" value using the Event Blueprint Update Animation.
  10. Play in Editor
  11. Run around the level

Result: The Print string will always return 0.0
Expected: The Get Time to Closest Marker node would provide the correct Out Marker Time

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ComponentOLD - Anim
Affects Versions4.214.20.3
Target Fix4.22
CreatedNov 30, 2018
ResolvedDec 3, 2018
UpdatedJan 25, 2019
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