Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a project from ThirdPerson template of 4.21
  2. Add a SkeletalmeshComponent to ThirdPersonCharacter BP and set a skeletal mesh to it.
  3. Remove the ThirdPersonCharacter BP from level and save the map.
  4. Enable bCookBlueprintComponentTemplateData in ProjectSettings
  5. Set "Event Driven Loader Enable" false in ProjectSettings.
  6. Cook project and launch it.

The new SkeletalmeshComponent failed to create.

There is no problem in 4.20.

I think the following change caused the issue.


[Image Removed]

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.21e2
Target Fix4.22
Fix Commit4713384
Main Commit4736445
Release Commit4862694
CreatedJan 3, 2019
ResolvedJan 11, 2019
UpdatedFeb 12, 2019