The issue has been reported by one of our licensee. He proposed a patch to be applied in AnimNode_SpringBone.cpp
< FVector ParentToTarget = (TargetPos - ParentSpaceBase.GetLocation()).GetSafeNormal();
< FVector ParentToCurrent = (BoneLocation - ParentSpaceBase.GetLocation()).GetSafeNormal();
> //FVector ParentToTarget = (TargetPos - ParentSpaceBase.GetLocation()).GetSafeNormal();
> //FVector ParentToCurrent = (BoneLocation - ParentSpaceBase.GetLocation()).GetSafeNormal();
> FVector ParentToTarget = (Output.AnimInstanceProxy->GetComponentTransform().InverseTransformPosition(TargetPos) - ParentSpaceBase.GetLocation()).GetSafeNormal();
> FVector ParentToCurrent = (Output.AnimInstanceProxy->GetComponentTransform().InverseTransformPosition(BoneLocation) - ParentSpaceBase.GetLocation()).GetSafeNormal();
He said that it fixes the problem on his side, but it won't change anything when I tried. s
Open linked project.
Open te9000_test-anim_010 and see the preview animation.
Launch SpringControllerTest level, and see that the rotation in the animation is not correctly applied.
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When I open UE4 4.24.3 it appears that. Does anyone know how to solve?
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-69373 in the post.
1 |
Component | OLD - Anim |
Affects Versions | 4.21.2 |
Target Fix | 4.24 |
Created | Jan 31, 2019 |
Resolved | Sep 23, 2019 |
Updated | May 18, 2020 |