
After reordering, if you hover over the "Component Blueprint B" entry, the object path indicates that it's incorrectly referencing a transient object. This is why GetWorld() now returns NULL and the log output does not match.

Current workaround: Select the drop-down on the reordered "Component Blueprint B" entry, and re-select "Component Blueprint B" from the drop-down list. Confirm that the entry no longer references a transient object by hovering over the entry and examining the tooltip, then re-save the level.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Compile and launch the editor for the attached test project.
  2. PIE, and note the log output for the 'LogTestInstancedComponents' channel:
    LogTestInstancedComponents: ComponentBlueprintA_C_0 : BeginPlay : World is valid
    LogTestInstancedComponents: ComponentBlueprintB_C_0 : BeginPlay : World is valid
    LogTestInstancedComponents: ComponentBlueprintB_C_0 : CheckWorld : World is valid
    LogTestInstancedComponents: ComponentBlueprintA_C_0 : CheckWorld : World is valid
  3. End the PIE session, and select the 'MyActor' instance in the World Outliner tab.
  4. In the Actor Details tab, click the vertical bar to the left of the 'MyComponents' array entry for "Component Blueprint B", and drag it to reorder it above "Component Blueprint A."
  5. PIE again. Note the log output for the 'LogTestInstancedComponents' channel no longer matches the first attempt:
    LogTestInstancedComponents: ComponentBlueprintA_C_0 : BeginPlay : World is valid
    LogTestInstancedComponents: ComponentBlueprintB_C_0 : CheckWorld : World is NOT valid
    LogTestInstancedComponents: ComponentBlueprintA_C_0 : CheckWorld : World is valid


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Affects Versions4.234.24
Target Fix4.25
Fix Commit12090805
Main Commit12090840
Release Commit12090805
CreatedFeb 5, 2020
ResolvedMar 9, 2020
UpdatedJul 30, 2020
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