
When MobileHDR is disabled in a packaged AR project for iOS there is a big constrast with the brightness in the image and constant screen tearing. This is happening specifically with images captured through the camera at runtime.

I wasn't able to test with 4.25 Preview 1 or 4.26 Main, see this ticket.

Found in 4.24.3 CL#11590370
Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL#9631420

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a template handheld AR project.
2. Setup up project to build for iOS.
3. Launch on the device, unplug it and look at something that has light and shadow in the shot.
4. Disable mobile HDR in Project Settings.
5. Launch on the device, unplug it and look at something that has light and shadow in the shot.

Result: The image has a big contrast in brightness and constant screen tearing.

Expected: The image isn't screen tearing and has expected brightness levels.

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Platform - XR
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.25
CreatedMar 4, 2020
ResolvedApr 1, 2020
UpdatedApr 22, 2020
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