Actor Enable Collision does not affect ISM

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 12, 2020

The problem was reported via UE Bug Submission. I was able to repro with their provided test project. ...

Depth of field issues on Translucent Materials with Raytracing and DirectX12 enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Oct 9, 2020

With DirectX12 and Raytracing enabled, translucent materials are not showing the correct depth of field.  Reported in version 4.25.3(CL 13942748). Tested and found in versions 4.25.3 and 4.24.3(C ...

Undo function breaks local variables in Blueprint Function after compiling

UE - Gameplay - Oct 8, 2020

Blueprint functions appear to correctly associate local variables when renaming the function. However when undoing a rename with ctrl-z the local variables appear to lose their association. Redoing ...

Kinematic in Physics Asset Overrides Bone Scale of Skeletal Meshes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 7, 2020

In a character's Physics Asset, a bone that is set to Kinematic and its children will have a scale of 1 overriding the Skeletal Mesh's Scale Transform settings. When the root of the body is changed ...

Changing the “show mouse cursor” variable of PlayerController with a mouse button input does not work the same as with a keyboard input

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Oct 6, 2020

Using the mouse input to show the mouse cursor acts like an Alt+Tab. When clicking the mouse input again to no longer show the cursor, the camera controls stop at the edge of the screen. Reported i ...

Low-level memory tracking has negative values for "FMallocUnused" and "Untracked"

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 6, 2020

"FMallocUnused" is immediately bellow 0. "Untracked" is reported to go below 0 after very long playtimes (over 36 hours). Reported in version 4.25.3(CL 13942748). Tested and found negative values f ...

Selected Option in Switch Actor Doesn't show up in variant manager properties.

Tools - Sep 25, 2020

Selected Option is part of a Switch Actor property. When attempted to add the property in variant manager, the property named selected option doesn't show up in variant manager properties. Reported ...

Bloom intensity broken with Post Processing Material replacing Tonemapper

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 25, 2020

When replacing the Tonemap using a Post Process material, the Post Process Volume's Bloom Intensity can only be turned on or off, without varying degrees of effect. Reported in version 4.25.3(CL 1 ...

Tiling Sprite in UMG uses whole image

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 21, 2020

When a Sprite that has been created from a Texture Atlas is used in a Widget, it can not be tiled. Instead the whole Texture Atlas is tiled.  Reported in version 4.25.3(CL 13942748). Tested and fou ...