
REGRESSION Does not occur in 4.24

Blueprints that call Array_Identical results in a failure during nativization:

F:/Projects/Release/TestNativizeArray/Intermediate/Plugins/NativizedAssets/Windows/Game/Source/NativizedAssets/Private/TestBP__pf1010915279.cpp(520): error C2039: 'Array_Identical': is not a member of 'FCustomThunkTemplates'
F:\EpicLauncher\UE_4.25\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\GeneratedCodeHelpers.h(86): note: see declaration of 'FCustomThunkTemplates'
F:/Projects/Release/TestNativizeArray/Intermediate/Plugins/NativizedAssets/Windows/Game/Source/NativizedAssets/Private/TestBP__pf1010915279.cpp(520): error C3861: 'Array_Identical': identifier not found
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download and extract the attached project.
  2. Open the project in editor.
  3. Package the project for Windows with Nativization set to Inclusive (this should be setup already).


Fails on build

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.25
Target Fix4.25.1
Fix Commit13310407
Main Commit14151001
Release Commit13310407
CreatedMay 13, 2020
ResolvedMay 14, 2020
UpdatedOct 6, 2021
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