Open Sound Control Blueprint Plugin stops working around 1 minute during play

UE - Audio - Jun 3, 2020

Messages are not received around 1 minute into playing when using OSC blueprint plugin. Test Project: [Link Removed] User workaround: ...

PIE with single process starts multiple server windows

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 26, 2020

Playing in editor with single process starts multiple server windows. ...

Editor will crash during shutdown while a global Find-in-Blueprint tab is open and indexing is active.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 22, 2020

The editor will crash during shutdown if Blueprints are actively being indexed in the background. ...

Instance components duplicated via the in world component editor are destroyed on level reload

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 21, 2020

Instance components aren't flagged correctly and are removed on load as a result. ...

Slate-based Program targets assert on start up

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 20, 2020

13431468 (which originated from FN) has caused Program-type targets to assert when starting. This has been observed with both UnrealInsights and UnrealFrontend. check(PrimaryDockArea.IsValid()) ...

Light shaft settings are missing

UE - Graphics Features - May 19, 2020

Public facing bug report came in describing that lights shafts were missing from all lights except directional. This issue does not seem to be occurring for 4.24 or 4.26. I was able to confirm that ...

Motion blur is not working in split screen multiplayer

UE - Graphics Features - May 19, 2020

Anim sequence in DLC leads to crash in IOS.

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 19, 2020

DLC download is working as expected but opening a map with anim sequence which is located at DLC's pak file will lead to crash in iOS. ...

Child Actor Components jitter around in blueprint viewport when dragged

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 18, 2020

REGRESSION: Does not occur in 4.24 Dragging a child actor component in the blueprint viewport results in it bouncing and jittering. ...