Spawning an actor that contains an AtmosphericFogComponent results in a crash in a packaged build. It doesn't occur in PIE, or StandAlone.
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!FBulkDataBase::Serialize(FArchive & Ar, UObject * Owner, int __formal, bool bAttemptFileMapping, int ElementSize) Line 693 C++
> MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!UAtmosphericFogComponent::Serialize(FArchive & Ar) Line 648 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!StaticDuplicateObjectEx(FObjectDuplicationParameters & Parameters) Line 2055 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!AActor::CreateComponentFromTemplate(UActorComponent * Template, const FName InName) Line 989 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!USCS_Node::ExecuteNodeOnActor(AActor * Actor, USceneComponent * ParentComponent, const FTransform * RootTransform, const FRotationConversionCache * RootRelativeRotationCache, bool bIsDefaultTransform) Line 99 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!USCS_Node::ExecuteNodeOnActor(AActor * Actor, USceneComponent * ParentComponent, const FTransform * RootTransform, const FRotationConversionCache * RootRelativeRotationCache, bool bIsDefaultTransform) Line 199 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!USimpleConstructionScript::ExecuteScriptOnActor(AActor * Actor, const TInlineComponentArray<USceneComponent *,24> & NativeSceneComponents, const FTransform & RootTransform, const FRotationConversionCache * RootRelativeRotationCache, bool bIsDefaultTransform) Line 681 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!AActor::ExecuteConstruction(const FTransform & Transform, const FRotationConversionCache * TransformRotationCache, const FComponentInstanceDataCache * InstanceDataCache, bool bIsDefaultTransform) Line 756 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!AActor::FinishSpawning(const FTransform & UserTransform, bool bIsDefaultTransform, const FComponentInstanceDataCache * InstanceDataCache) Line 3136 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor(AActor * Actor, const FTransform & SpawnTransform) Line 692 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!UGameplayStatics::execFinishSpawningActor(UObject * Context, FFrame & Stack, void * const Z_Param__Result) Line 1342 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!UObject::execCallMathFunction(UObject * Context, FFrame & Stack, void * const Z_Param__Result) Line 861 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!FFrame::Step(UObject * Context, void * const Z_Param__Result) Line 339 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!UObject::execLetObj(UObject * Context, FFrame & Stack, void * const Z_Param__Result) Line 2617 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!FFrame::Step(UObject * Context, void * const Z_Param__Result) Line 339 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!ProcessLocalScriptFunction(UObject * Context, FFrame & Stack, void * const Z_Param__Result) Line 1025 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!UObject::ProcessInternal(UObject * Context, FFrame & Stack, void * const Z_Param__Result) Line 1087 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!UFunction::Invoke(UObject * Obj, FFrame & Stack, void * const Z_Param__Result) Line 5542 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!UObject::ProcessEvent(UFunction * Function, void * Parms) Line 1916 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!AActor::ProcessEvent(UFunction * Function, void * Parameters) Line 804 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!FLatentActionManager::TickLatentActionForObject(float DeltaTime, TMultiMap<int,FPendingLatentAction *,FDefaultSetAllocator,TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<int,FPendingLatentAction *,1> > & ObjectActionList, UObject * InObject) Line 218 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!FLatentActionManager::ProcessLatentActions(UObject * InObject, float DeltaTime) Line 144 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!UWorld::Tick(ELevelTick TickType, float DeltaSeconds) Line 1619 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!UGameEngine::Tick(float DeltaSeconds, bool bIdleMode) Line 1686 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() Line 4850 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!EngineTick() Line 63 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!GuardedMain(const wchar_t * CmdLine) Line 172 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, char * __formal, int nCmdShow) Line 257 C++
[Inline Frame] MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!invoke_main() Line 102 C++
MyProject4-Win64-Debug.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() Line 288 C++
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UMG RichText not appear image when packaged
How to assign a value to a member of UMG's UMaterialInterface pointer type in C++?
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-97558 in the post.
1 |
Component | UE - Graphics Features |
Affects Versions | 4.25.3 |
Target Fix | 4.26 |
Created | Aug 25, 2020 |
Resolved | Sep 24, 2020 |
Updated | Sep 19, 2021 |