
When a Sprite that has been created from a Texture Atlas is used in a Widget, it can not be tiled. Instead the whole Texture Atlas is tiled. 

Reported in version 4.25.3(CL 13942748). Tested and found in versions 4.25.3, 4.24.3(CL 11590370), and 4.23.1(CL 9631420).

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a Texture with multiple images ( Atlasing )
  2. Create Sprites from that Texture.
  3. Use one Sprite as Image in UMG and set Tiling to Both.

Result: The whole Texture will be used, not only the Sprite image.

Expected: To only tile the Sprite image.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems
Affects Versions4.
CreatedSep 21, 2020
ResolvedSep 22, 2020
UpdatedNov 4, 2020
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