Video does not loop correctly in ElectraPlayer

Media Framework - Mar 3, 2021

Observe the video does not loop correctly. It only plays a portion that gets shorter with every loop until playback ultimately stops. ...

File Media Output Capture Crashes on OS X

Media Framework - Aug 26, 2020

On OS X, image frames output in PIE but crash occurs in standalone mode; The .wav file is written but is empty (the media player does not seem to go to the master submix correctly) and it seems to ...

Media Player not updating when IMG Media Source files are changed

Media Framework - Aug 20, 2020

Images in a sequence path for an Img Media Source are not updating without restarting the project. Changing the path itself appears to work as expected.  Tested in versions 4.22.3(CL 7053642), 4. ...

Crash on Mac on exit.

Media Framework - Aug 17, 2020

A licensee reported trouble with a crash on exit on Mac. They discovered that the file AvfMediaPlayer.cpp, on the function Open there is this piece of code:// Force the AV player to not be able to ...

Sequencer Media Tracks trigger crash when an ImageSource is added

Media Framework - Jun 18, 2020

The same callstack appears in 4.24.3 (CL-11590370) but only when playing a Sequence with a Media Track that has a ImgMediaSource and Media Texture set on it. These repro steps work for 4.25 and 4.26 ...

MediaTexture.AutoClear Is Ignored On Quest

Media Framework - Mar 9, 2020

When closing a media player asset in the Oculus Quest the Clear Color is ignored and the last frame is left on frame shown. This happened whether I ran the project both while the Quest was and was n ...

Media Textures assigned at run time are not being applied to the assigned mesh

Media Framework - Feb 21, 2020

Dynamically created media texture is not applied to assigned meshes.  Tested in:  4.23.1 CL#9631420, 4.25 CL#11574810 ...

ProRes 4444 files cannot be played on MediaPlayer when RHI is DirectX 12

Media Framework - Feb 10, 2020

This file can be used if you have enabled the Apple Pro Res Media plug-in. This can be played when RHI is set to DirectX 11, but not when changed to 12. The file being played is a ProRes 4444 vide ...

Mac - Media Player - Web Cam not accessible

Media Framework - Jan 20, 2020

Audio/Video Devices are no longer accessible via Media Player on Mac. User info: "We think it is connected to camera and microphone privacy. We have got a crash trying to access to camera from cust ...