In UE 5.5, the fix applied by CL 36529858 in ue5-main updated USkeletalMeshComponent::ClearAnimScriptInstance() to call AnimScriptInstance::UninitializeAnimation() on the animation instance. This, i ...
Context UE_VLOG macros can be used to capture debug shapes into both a Visual Logger recording and a Rewind Debugger recording. Problem In the Rewind Debugger, the capsule shapes are drawn at an in ...
When setting an AnimNotify to an AnimationSequence, this AnimNotify can be triggered multiple times when only set once. This issue only happens when the mentioned AnimationSequence that contains the ...
Calling HideBoneByName on a bone causes that bone (and all it's children) to be translated to the parent bone's location. This code in UpdateRefToLocalMatricesInner is responsible: bool bNeedToHid ...
An access violation occurs in FNiagaraSkeletalMeshRegionBoneFilterDetails::HandleBoneNameComboBoxSelectionChanged() due to StringItem is nullptr. SkeletalMeshRegionCustomization.cpp void FNiagaraS ...
Occasionally, PhysicsControl controls will teleport to the world origin. This is sporadic and generally fixes itself either with a restart. In the licensee's case, the controls were also animation d ...
It appears that FAnimUpdateRateParameters::GetInterpolationAlpha is not returning a sensible value when running in TrailMode. Currently the only variable in the calculation is EvaluationRate which ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.0 CL20979098. The editor crashes when right clicking a Modify Curve node in an Anim Graph of a Animation Template Blueprint. ...