Hi there, I noticed that there is a problem with Montage Section links not updating when a section is deleted from a montage asset. We had a montage with a "Default" section and a "Loop" section. ...
Assets added to a PSD via a Branch In notify can't have their flags changed within the database. When the flags (like mirror, disable, etc) are changed, they revert back to the original value when ...
In /Game/ABPLinkingShowcase/Blueprints/Pawn_ABPLinkingCharacter: The character mesh’s root location is lower than the capsule’s lowest point. This is what causes the issue. Based on the event graph, ...
If after placing a notify on an anim sequence timeline you modify a property that is used in the GetNotifyName function of a blueprint notify in engine version previous to 5.5 (5.4.3 for example) th ...
As per the title, a cosmetic anim node should not be crashing an entire game. At worst these should be ensures. Its experimental, but its important they're removed before the experimental flag is re ...
static FVector PointDirectionPlaneIntersection(const FVector Point, const FVector Direction, const FPlane Plane) { return Point + Direction * ((Plane.W - (Point | Plane)) / (Direction | Plane)) ...
Up vector is not configurable so Foot Placement does support variable gravity cases. ...
User reports that they've been running into an intermittent crash in Pose Search during Cook. Pose Search attempts to index data outside the bounds of an array. Based on the logs, each asset seems t ...
We'd like to have tooltips that show the description/comment for events in the visual logger tracks in rewind debugger ...
When GetCurrentAnimationNotifyStateTimeRatio is used inside of a montage it can return the wrong time ratio in certain cases. ...