Error when zooming out in orthographic view in 5.4

UE - Editor - Jul 29, 2024

In 5.4: zooming out far with the mouse wheel after setting the editor viewport to orthgraphic view triggers an ensure: ensure(InOrthoZoom >= MIN_ORTHOZOOM && InOrthoZoom <= MAX_ORTHOZOOM); Th ...

Deploy device not saved in Project Launcher

UE - Editor - Jun 13, 2024

The deploy device selected in project launcher custom profile does not get saved. After restarting the editor, all selections are cleared, and have to be re-selected in the deploy device every time. ...

FRuntimeFloatCurve in datatable causes editor crash

UE - Editor - Apr 24, 2024

Inside SCurveEditor::ZoomToFitHorizontal and SCurveEditor::ZoomToFitVertical, the program navigates through a TArray<FRealCurve*> called CurvesToFit in a for each loop. Inside the for loop, if the p ...

Crash when editing members of a struct contained within a UObject instanced inside a USceneComponent

UE - Editor - Jan 24, 2024

When implementing a USceneComponent in C++, one may want to add one or more internal UObjects to hold some data or perform specific tasks (this is also done by several UE built-in components). These ...

Double clicking on Interface Function in Blueprint Graph does not take you to the function implementation.

UE - Editor - Jan 11, 2024

When double-clicking on an interface function call within a blueprint, the expected behaviour is that it will take you to the implementation of this function. However, it currently does nothing. ...

OnObjectPropertyChanged Firing Excessively when FText is Bulk Edited

UE - Editor - Jun 28, 2023

If multiple game objects are selected at once and their text field is edited, instead of getting N events, it produces N-squared events. It looks like FPropertyHandleBase::SetPerObjectValue is call ...

Editor becomes unresponsive when selecting BP_FirstPersonChracter0 while Playing in Editor with specific settings

UE - Editor - Jun 19, 2023

This is a regression. Testing //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 When selecting BP_FirstPerconCharacter at run time in a project that has C++, Quality as Scalable, and Ray Tracing enabled the editor free ...