Copy-paste the TestCode.h and TestCode.cpp into a module Activate the customization in the StartupModule() function ``` FPropertyEditorModule& PropertyModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FPro ...
From this UDN: [Link Removed] The customer reports that this issue did not happen in 5.4. ...
This is from this UDN [Link Removed] ...
The following code example will generate category rows with nullptr assigned to OnPasteFromTextDelegate which causes a crash if the user tries to paste onto a row. Once you have this code create th ...
There have been multiple reports of this issue, particularly from schools, over the last 10 years: ...
Unreal Editor can get in an infinite while loop when the action Asset->Source Control->History is used in a Blueprint Asset. Reportedly, this issue is only encountered when using the Branches featur ...
SAssetView::SetMajorityAssetType for most asset types randomly picks a visible asset to grab the metadata from, which is what derives the CB columns. This can become a problem if the random asset it ...
There seems to be something wrong with how we close menus and submenus as submenus are opened and closed based on mouse interaction. In particular, we seem to sometimes close the whole menu hierarch ...