A user is reporting that the X axis rotation appears to only rotate based on the object's relative rotation, and not rotate based on the world rotation, even when using Set world rotation. For test ...
We encountered this problem too after upgrading to 4.15. It's caused by a timing problem when showing/hiding the async loading splash screen, so we only found it when loading maps in standalone that ...
Can not open more than one version of the same packaged game with a Vive hooked up and powered on. If the Vive is hooked up and powered on, any additional sessions of a packaged game that are opened ...
Clone the GitHub repo for 4.15.1, run setup, gpf, then build UE4. Fails to compile due to metal errors. It would be nice if we could produce a warning if the compiler being used is newer than what ...
When adding a particle system to a scene with dynamic point lights with their source radius/min roughness altered results in those parameters getting reset to default. NotePoint light mush have cas ...
Changes made with the property matrix are undone when compiling a widget ...
Vertex snapping doesn't seem to work well for certain geometry setups. This is most noticeable in planes or other flat geometry. ...
User reports that the issue fixed for ODIN-6308 still occurs for InstancedStaticMeshes. ...
Crash from Tmap removing a key then printing the remaining keys. This has occurred in the third person template, but no further testing has been done for other templates. Regression: TMaps did not ...