When upgrading a project that was prior to the material slot implementation to a newer engine version will cause redundant material slots to be created. This requires the mesh to have LODs and multi ...
In my case using MSAA with thick exponential height fog in the map will cause thin horizontal lines where the fog has no effect. The artifact only appears at certain view angles you may have to lo ...
It's unclear what/who is waiting and what is supposed to happen when the timeout triggers. Also, this is only implemented on Android. ...
1) Using the Meta specifier EditCondition will gray out the property box so that it cannot be clicked, but using tab from another property box will place the cursor inside the grayed out box. 2) V ...
-map is consumed by both cook and run for different things, which is confusing and means the help information is misleading ...
After taking a high res screenshot with a planar reflection actor in the scene the engine will experience a permanent performance hit relative to the resolution of the screenshot. For example if you ...
When overriding a BlueprintNativeFunction in a child class, if the inheritance is multiple levels deep, the override does not work correctly. As shown in the reproduction steps, this the example to ...
When opening a level that contains actors with a childActor component, "LogSpawn:Warning: UWorld::DestroyActor: World has no context!" warning will be displayed for each actor. ...
Packaging will fail if a Blueprint is set to be nativized, and it includes a TArray inherited from a parent code class that is of type TSubclassOf< SomeClass >. REGRESSION: Unknown. Blueprint nativ ...
Regression: YES, sort of. The ability to change the animation from a dropdown didn't exist in 4.14 Error message: Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Line: 160] Ran out of memory allocating 51539607528 ...