Hair shading emits light when Lumen is enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 6, 2022

This artifact does not occur when Lumen is disabled. Also, moving Roughness closer to 1 will reduce the effect. ...

Duplicate subobjects when you attach to an OptionalDefaultSubobject

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jun 3, 2022

I believe that this is happening because of a problem within USubobjectDataSubsystem::FindOrCreateAttachParentForComponent where it is creating duplicates of the character mesh because the "TestScen ...

Material fails to compile when virtual texture is connected to opacity mask only through Make/Break Material Attributes

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 2, 2022

If we connect a virtual texture to the opacity mask output of a material the material will fail to compile. Currently this is expected because allowing it could cause problems such as:No virtual tex ...

USDStage - USD Material Overrides not reading

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - USD - May 31, 2022

USD material overrides do not get applied properly to a USDStage prim inside UE.     When a material override that is set to a parent prim of USD Material, the override is ignored.   A usd material ...

Wobbling effect on meshes

UE - Graphics Features - May 31, 2022

Weird wobbling rendering artifact are generated on the surface of the Mesh located far from the origin.  ...

[CrashReporter]UnrealEditor-Engine!UWorldPartition::GenerateStreaming(TArray<FString,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > *) [WorldPartitionStreamingGeneration.cpp:570]

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - May 31, 2022

Generated from CrashReporter user's comment: Everytime I press "Play" in this specific project, the program crashes ...

When using OpenLevel to transition to a level with WorldPartition enabled during PIE, the log outputs "Failed to load '/Game/MapName': Can't find file."

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - May 31, 2022

Outputs warning logs when transitioning to the World Partition level with OpenLevel. This only occurs in PIE, not in Standalone or Package builds. In PIE, it appears that the package failed to load ...

Only the first image of multi-source SVT can be exported.

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - May 31, 2022