InstancedStaticMesh instances fail to render on a mobile device

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 13, 2014

When a project with an InstancedStaticMesh is used in a level, the static mesh is failing to render on a mobile device Tested on a nexus 5 and an iPad air OS 8.1 ...

SweepComponent fails against non-root bodies of skeletal mesh component in PhysX

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 6, 2021

UDN - ...

Missing shadows when combining CSMCaching and Nanite

UE - Graphics Features - Shadows - Jun 28, 2023

A Nanite primitive casting a CSM shadow on another Nanite primitive with "Cast Shadows" disabled, will have it's shadow disappear completely when r.Shadow.CSMCaching = 1. ...

Actor Component Replication Not Working on Dynamically Spawned Components in Blueprint

UE - Networking - Aug 7, 2018

Actor components that are spawned dynamically through Blueprint are not being properly replicated to the client.  Found in 4.20 CL# 4233996 and reproduced in 4.21 Main CL# 4258917 Unable to test i ...

[Feature Request] FloatCurves Can't Be Exported As .csv or .json

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Feb 12, 2020

You can't export FloatCurves as .csv or .json. You can reimport as .csv or .json. Found in 4.24.2 CL#10758860 Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL#9631420, 4.25 Main CL#11318998 ...

The Ease function's Blend Exp reverts to its default value after closing/reopening the editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 20, 2015

The Ease function's Blend Exp reverts to its default value after closing/reopening the editor. Reproduced in 4.6.1 binary and in Main (CL-2408355). ...

HLOD build fails depending on the value of Loading Range in the World Settings

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Jun 14, 2022

HLOD actors are generated on the outliner, but no geometry is generated. An error occurs in the output log. ...

HLOD dithered fade-out transition does not work since UE5.4

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Aug 7, 2024

When DitheredLODTransition is enabled for HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh, in the previous version (5.1.1), dithering was applied during fade-in/fade-out, but in 5.4.3, dithering is not applied duri ...

PhysicsControl-enabled controls occasionally teleport to origin

UE - Anim - Apr 22, 2024

Occasionally, PhysicsControl controls will teleport to the world origin. This is sporadic and generally fixes itself either with a restart. In the licensee's case, the controls were also animation d ...

Previewing a node overrides the output of PostProceessInput0 in a Post Process Domain Material after previewing has stopped

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jan 26, 2023

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL20979098 Previewing a node overrides the output of PostProceessInput0 in a Post Process Domain Material after previewing stops. ...