AreaID always seems to be empty during the first PIE session after hot-reloading. Only able to test in Dev-Framework CL# 3221683 due to the licensee's project being created in 4.15 and not being b ...
Multiple compile failures while attempting to nativize the QABP_Containers asset in QAGame. Errors:[2016.12.12-15.20.04:831][486]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): xgConsole: QABP_Containers_ ...
FBodyInstance::SetCollisionEnabled uses an incomplete conditional to determine whether or not it's in a Simulating or Non-Simulating state. This can cause cases where RecreatePhysicsState doesn't pr ...
When working with Nav Modifiers in a level that contains objects that have a custom Nav Area class, the prioritization of the modifiers is not consistent. If you notice in the attached project, so ...
Clear Timer by Function Name does not appear to be callable from a widget blueprint if the function is owned by a UObject. The Timer clears when the custom event is called by other blueprints, howev ...
When having an Exponential Height Fog actor far away from origin, after doing Set World Origin Location, Exponential Height Fog's appearance changes. ...
When actor billboards are very far from the camera they will begin to flicker. They flicker in our shooter game project as well so the distances aren't so extreme that they are unreasonable. ...
The AngularLimit visualizer isn't displayed as expected when adjusting the AngularRotationOffset. You can manually rotate the PhysicsConstraint and it will rotate the AngularLimit visualizer, howe ...
When the editor first opens, and you open Sequence Recorder, the base path will be defaulted to /Game/Cinematics/Sequences. Cinematics and Sequences do not exist at this point so it will create thos ...
Trying to set the value of an element of a fixed-size TAssetPtr array in the Editor results in the Editor crashing. This did not occur in 4.13. The attached callstack is from debugging the project ...