In a networked PIE session, when the server has applied a programmatically constructed GameplayEffect that has duration policy = Infinite or HasDuration, this results in a client crash when the clie ...
The rules by which chunks are created are ambiguous and currently do not ensure that both PakFileRules and PrimaryAssetLabel settings are reflected. In this sample, depending on the PrimaryAssetLabe ...
This was found by a customer through a UDN, and they offered the fix for it, as well. The basic steps to reproduce the crash are as follows:call GEditor->SetPropertyColorationTarget(...) somewhere i ...
The velocity when moving the root is output, but it seems that the velocity for each deformation is not output. Since motion blur and TSR use velocity, problems such as ghosting may occur. ...
It appears that FAnimUpdateRateParameters::GetInterpolationAlpha is not returning a sensible value when running in TrailMode. Currently the only variable in the calculation is EvaluationRate which ...
The Duration Magnitude property is not zeroed out if a Gameplay Effect's duration policy is changed from HasDuration to Instant. As a result, UAbilitySystemComponent::ApplyGameplayEffectSpecToSelf e ...
The GameViewportSubsystem removes all widgets from the viewport in UGameViewportSubsystem::HandleRemoveWorld which is bound to the FWorldDelegates::OnWorldBeginTearDown and FWorldDelegates::OnPreWor ...
It seems that the numbers are rounded in VertexFactoryCommon shader. The cube consists of vertices that are very far from the origin and are placed on the screen by placing them at coordinates that ...
When playing Standalone or as Listen Server, whenever a GameplayEffect with a duration is applied that fires gameplay cues, the server will locally execute OnActive twice on GameplayCueNotify_Actors ...